Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Fall of Cats

The Fall of cats

During the medieval times, cats started being associated with witches. Witches were women who has magical powers and used that to cure and heal people and also to help them.
A witch's Black Cat.
Photograph from Google images.
Later,the witches were considered as those who did black magic and had associations with the Satan. Thus the cats were blamed to be evil and were considered to be included in the black magic as well.

Black Death, Europe

The spread of plague, was caused by the rodents. But the people blamed the cats, stating that cats are witches in disguise and have done some black magic which caused the plague. Thousands of Cats were burnt alive under this pretext. Very late it was realized that it was the rodents who were the reason behind the plague and the departed souls could have helped to control it.But still, the cats were already defamed.
Since then, the cats carried the image of evil and bad. Since then, they are considered the harbinger of bad luck and negativity. 


  1. Cats were certainly not the reason for the black death, it was the rodents that caused it.
    And many of the departed feline could have actually helped control the plague!
